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Broken heart, hungry stomach and empty pockets always taught me to be grateful of what I possess and remind me to cherish every single moments of my short life. Hard work does not always pay off and it takes a strong heart to survive through challenges, even if it is just a small hurdle, it will definitely affect us in unexpected ways.

Being born as Najwa Syahirah bt Mohmad Zubir, a 153cm tall girl from rural area, home of the magnificent rafflesia, I take pride in being the oldest child in my family. Indulging in every moments of having my brother and sister running errands for me, I developed a sense of responsibility and leadership.

Thankfully I channel my control freak side to actions which contribute a lot to the society. I find pleasure in organizing and managing events and recently, I am involved in fundraising events which allow me to utilize my skills and go beyond my utmost limit, operate outside of my comfort zone, learn to give and take as well as being patience and appreciating others.

A fact that you don’t know about me: I FULFILL THE STEREOTYPE OF WOMEN DRIVER

Quote: Don’t give a second look to things that bring you down

🌸Insecurities sometimes kill my positivity but I rise and fight them!🌸 

Hello readers 🙋
My name is Ili Nabila bt Zamberi. Nothing much to say; a 157 cm girl with high hopes and dreams in this world, whom always wants to turn them into reality.

My favorite quote that keep cherish my life is :
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
                                                                   — Helen Keller

Always look forward what is in front of you. Don't ever mind to look back. A failure always at the back, behind a successful person 😤👸
How bow dat? 😏

My name is Maryam binti Mohamad Azhar. A student, a daughter to a beautiful parents, a creative artist of transcendental valued arts on Earth, an all time traveler, a wayfarer of beautiful dreams, a comforter to your sleepless troubled mind and eyes, a good listener, and last but not least a renowned singer of hit Korean sings in Smule, 😃 ✋

p/s: my voice is good tho🙆

The Moon is not that Far,

For your Success is Near.

Why fear the Future when It is unsure,

Let's work Today and Now,

For your brightest Future.

A lady, student, fighter, leader, dreamer, daughter, believer and devoter. That's me. Hi, my name is Nik Hazwani bt Abdul Hamid. My friends above disclosing their height. I'm being professional here; not telling you guys mine 😉✌

Always, always, always! Never thought being a woman you can be carefree, and does not give you a major headache. Overthinking? Yes. I hate it. But can't help it. 😠

I always wanted to be the best in life. So, I keep the posivitiy inside and rid the negativity. 🌈🌌

I keep this in mind; remember that not all things can be achieved and determined for you. So, be happy, quit complaining and live your life to the fullest 'cause you are worth more than that! 🙌💞


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