Poststructuralist criticism on Sultana’s Dream
In viewing Sultana’s Dream by Rokeya Sakhawat Sultana’s Dream was written by Rokeya Sakhawat in 1905— in the era where the women in Bangladesh, especially the Muslims women, are struggling under the male’s control and colonialism. Suppressed under the parochial patriarchal systems, Rokeya’s Sulatana’s Dream is a literary work that crafted as an alternative fairer to the women (Lakhi, 2006). Born in an upper-class family, she did not obtain proper education or went to school as her brothers did. Instead, she only received religious education such as recital of Quran, learned Urdu as well as Arabic which is assumed as the only “suitable” education of Muslim women in Bengal. Therefore, due to the plague of gender inequality which women faced living in the society, the main focus of this story is to highlight the disparity of women's right in terms of education in patriarchal society. ...