
Members Profile

FOUR ENTHUSIAST GIRLS👧🌸 MEMBERS: Broken heart, hungry stomach and empty pockets always taught me to be grateful of what I possess and remind me to cherish every single moments of my short life. Hard work does not always pay off and it takes a strong heart to survive through challenges, even if it is just a small hurdle, it will definitely affect us in unexpected ways. Being born as  Najwa Syahirah bt Mohmad Zubir , a 153cm tall girl from rural area, home of the magnificent rafflesia, I take pride in being the oldest child in my family. Indulging in every moments of having my brother and sister running errands for me, I developed a sense of responsibility and leadership. Thankfully I channel my  control freak  side to actions which contribute a lot to the society. I find pleasure in organizing and managing events and recently, I am involved in fundraising events which allow me to utilize my skills and go beyond my utmost limit, o...

Looking Through Derrida’s Eyes: Deconstruction in “The Mountain and The Squirrel”

Looking Through Derrida’s Eyes: Deconstruction in “The Mountain and The Squirrel” by Muhammad Iqbal 1          A mountain was saying this to a squirrel 2          "Commit suicide if you have self-respect 3          You are insignificant, still so arrogant, how strange! 4          You are neither wise, nor intelligent! not even shrewd! 5          It is strange when the insignificant pose as important ! 6          When the stupid ones like you pose as intelligent ! 7          You are no match in comparison with my splendor 8          Even the earth is low compared with my splendor 9 ...

Theory of Deconstruction: Disentangling truth in The Danish Girl

Derrida’s Theory of Deconstruction: Centre, Structure, and Meaning If jewel is the heart of the sea, then deconstruction is the core of post - structuralism theory. A discussion pertaining to the philosophical system would go incomplete without mentioning deconstruction as a core element associated with it. Deconstruction is developed by Jacques Derrida as a strategy for reading and interpreting literary texts. It guides the readers on searching for the Centre, by alerting a person about its construction of truth and meaning, which later a critical view for the contradiction of the truth and meaning created will be made. The very basic idea of deconstruction is to go against the established meaning developed in a literary text, provided through the meaning of the words itself. It is to counter back the argument hold by the structuralists that all of the meanings and concepts in this world, perceived by one’s mind are provided through the meanings of the words itself. But, acc...

This End of The Rainbow by Adibah Amin

Adibah Amin: A wonderful author, journalist, translator, columnist and teacher, Adibah Amin is flexible, progressive and brave as she strive for nation building and friendship across races. Best known as Sri Delima for her “As I Was Passing” column which was a regular feature of the New Straits Times in the ‘70s and ‘80s, Adibah Amin has produced a number of novels and general reading materials such as 'Seroja Masih Di Kolam' in 1968, followed by 'Tempat Jatuh Lagi Dikenang' (1985), 'As I Was Passing 1' (2006) and 'As I Was Passing 2' (2007). As a translator, Adibah Amin had translated a book of national laureate Shahnon Ahmad's 'Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan' (No Harvest But Thorns) in 1972 as well as Keris Mas' 'Rimba Harapan' (Jungle of Hope) in 2000 and on 2012 at the age of 76, she was awarded with National Translation Personality Award 2012. This end of the rainbow: Adibah Amin’s first English novel with th...